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Entries by All-Pro Services

UBC University Boulevard DES Transit Loop

University of British Columbia

As general contractor for this project, we installed 1,400 linear feet of district energy distribution piping to accommodate future connections of buildings to the campus district energy distribution loop. Because work disrupted access to the roadways and sidewalks of University Boulevard, we completed the project on a tight timeline while ensuring public transportation operations ran uninterrupted.

SFU – CEP Gas Plant

Burnaby Mountain District Energy Utility Plant (BMDEUP)

All-Pro Energy Services supplied and installed the equipment for the primary and secondary piping to the natural gas and biomass boilers at BMDEUP, which feeds SFU’s campus and UniverCity with low-carbon energy for domestic hot water and heating. In this final project to meet SFU’s carbon emission reduction obligation targets, we provided and installed the equipment and piping. In a previous stage waste reduction strategy, we installed Thermogenics boilers into a Temporary Energy Centre (TEC). These boilers from the TEC were then repurposed into the new BMDEUP.

UBC – Biomass Boiler

University of British Columbia

To upgrade the capacity of UBC’s low-carbon sustainable energy system, e design-built a 12-megawatt biomass boiler system that was retrofitted into their BRDF plant. Using 3D modelling, we employed a staged approach on this complex installation into a functioning plant. All components were brought in through a 19’x24’ door or lifted and positioned through openings in the roof. While the unit bases were prepped, the boiler and electrostatic precipitator (ESP) components were suspended 20’ above ground. Once the 60’, 130-tonne boiler was in place, we installed the ESP.

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